专题课程:Propensity Score Analysis(倾向值分析)
About the Instructor:
Shenyang Guo, Ph.D., is Frank J Bruno Distinguished Professor at Brown School of Washington University in St Louis, the Yangtze River Scholar at Xi’an Jiaotong University, and the fellow of American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare. He is an expert on the application of advanced statistical models to the solution of social welfare problems. Guo is the author (with Mark Fraser) of Propensity Score Analysis: Statistical Methods and Applications, Second Edition (2015), a comprehensive guide to the many ways that propensity scores can be used to improve causal inference. Other books include Survival Analysis (2010) and Structural Equation Modeling (2011) (with Natasha Bowen). He has published more than 80 journal articles and book chapters. He is on the editorial boards of Social Service Review, Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, and Children and Youth Services Review. He teaches graduate courses on survival analysis, hierarchical linear modeling, growth curve modeling, structural equation modeling, and propensity score analysis.
郭申阳,复旦大学经济学学士和硕士,南开大学第一期社会学专业班毕业,美国密执安大学社会学博士,现任美国华盛顿圣路易斯大学Frank J Brun杰出教授,西安交通大学国家高级人才讲座教授,美国社会工作社会福利科学院院士。教授硕博士生统计和定量研究方法课程,在动态研究、多层次研究、结构方程模型、事件史研究、倾向值匹配、内核匹配、项目评估等方法及其运用等领域发表论文100余篇。著作或合著《倾向值分析》《生存分析》《结构方程模型》。多次应邀在美国国立健康研究所暑期班,儿童署,全美社会工作研究年会做统计分析讲座。曾担任北卡大学奥顿研究所应用统计工作组主席。研究课题包括儿童福利、贫困人群、福利政策及改革、老年人群抚养等。担任社会服务纵览编辑委员会委员,经常为多种杂志评审文章,经常受邀对文稿有争议的复杂统计方法发表意见。